Friday, March 3, 2017

Morehouse College President Disappointed with Trump's HBCU Meeting

Following up my post from yesterday on Donald Trump signing the executive oder we the students was right that this seemed like an set up for him to say that he did his share with the black community and gave back. But what Morehouse College President Dr. John Wilson Jr said in a report on Fox 5 Atlanta that the White House had created high expectations after calling Trump's executive order historic and revolutionary. The executive order only transferred the initiative on HBCUs from the Department of Education into the Executive Office of the White House and that no money was tied to the order. Talks more about how Dr. Wilson said "I don't mind saying that we were a number of us were disappointed, not because of what we though on our own leading up to this meeting, but what we were led to think it was a little underwhelming to see that the most tangible differentiator that happened here was an office relocation." Everyone had "high hopes," mainly regarding funding, about meeting with the White House, especially since Trump vowed to do more for HBCUs than previous presidents during Monday's meeting.

When Trump had signed the HBCU initiative from under the Department of Education to the White House, which HBCUs have advocated for in expectation of having more direct line to the president. The funding that many HBCUs needed several of them are in danger of closing. They was at least expecting at least $500 million to be allocated to the schools, said its impossible to know if and when the order will have an impact. If the initiative had remained under the Department of Education, it would be a disappointment considering Education Secretary Betsy DeVos calling HBCUss and example of school choice. She must have not done that much of her research to not think back to when a bill to prevent all persons from teaching slaves to read or write, the uses of figured expected (1830) When in 1837 Cheyney University of Pennsylvania became the first HBCU for blacks and in 1854 Lincoln University became the first degree granting University for black men and didn't later integrate until 1953 when Women was permitted to receive degrees. So how is this school of choice when they had for the right to be Educated.

Lincoln University one of the lucky Universities to ever have Albert Einstein come see 265 men for the honorary-degree ceremonies on may 3rd His emaciated face and simplicity made him appear as a biblical character. Quietly he stood with an expression of questioning wonder upon his face as....President Horace Mann Bond conferred a degree. Then this man with the long hair and deep eyes spoke into a microphone a microphone of the disease (racism) that humanity had. In the deep accents of his native Germany he said he could not be silent. And then he finished and the room was still. Later he lectured on the theory of relativity to Lincoln Students. That night, Albert Einstein went back to Princeton.
Lincoln University had the chance to have a number of important alumni graduate like Thurgood Marshall and more. Malcom X even came to Lincoln University to give an speech  
HBCU leaders meeting with Trump has resulted in some controversy  at HBCUs in the country. Earlier this week, multiple incidents occurred at Howard University where graffiti was written all across the campus. The first one featured the words "Welcome to the Trump plantation. Overseer: Wayne A.I. Frederick," and was written on the school yard. And since then new graffiti appeared saying "Wayne Fredrick Doesn't care about black." Which this is all following what HBCU leaders thought was an good idea to go to the white house to see Trump sign (not sign) a executive order.

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